Helio logo Heliophysics Feature Catalogue FP7-capacities

Query form Database and fields description Database content Free SQL query Helio Front End

Free SQL search

Query form Database and fields description Database content Free SQL query Helio Front End

API Web Services About HFC

FP7, project No. 238969

The catalogue is accessible from distant clients through its dedicated Helio Query Interface (HQI). This interface is VO-compliant, and allows SOAP, HTTP-GET, and TAP requests on HFC database.

Information about the HFC web services can be found here.


Useful routines to access and handle HFC data are available in the HELIO SolarSoft package. Information about this package can be found here.

In addition, a stand-alone software for users who want to get only the HFC content using IDL can be downloaded here. Please read the dedicated user guide for more details.


Any feedback is much appreciated.
Please send your comments to Jean dot Aboudarham at obspm dot fr, Christian dot Renie at obspm dot fr, or Xavier dot Bonnin at obspm dot fr.

About the HELIO project

The HFC is a service of the Heliophysics Integrated Observatory HELIO, a virtual observatory dedicated to solar and heliophysics.

HELIO is a Research Infrastructures funded under the Capacities Specfific Programme within the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7, project No. 238969). The project started on 1st June 2009 and ended on 30th November 2012.
